References online : 24538 shells
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You can create your account with your email & password three possibilities are offered to you : Purchase of Pre Card Paid for the following amounts : 20 € or 50 € & 100 € (Payment with your PAYPAL account). Each request found will be output to you at the unit price of 0.89 €.
So for 20 € you can ask for 22 requests. For 50 € you can ask for 56 requests. For 100 € you can ask for 112 requests. IMPORTANT CONSULTING A shell can have several terminations ATTRACTUS, ATTRACTA, ATTRACTUM At the time of your request to only ask ATTRACT All shells with the word ATTRACT can be seen and of course in several Families. GENERAL TERMS OF SALES An unfruitful request will of course not be output to you. No refunding of prepaid card could be required entirely or partially. We will not be of course and to in no case responsible for the flow of your account by a third if you gave your password and your Login
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